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We enjoy every type of biodiversity at our rainforest ecolodge, and we especially enjoyed the recent invasion of Shutterbugus americanus, otherwise known as the professional and enthusiastic amateur photographers from Creve Coeur Camera, www.cccamera.com,  in the United States.   Led by owner and photographer Stephen Weiss and his instructors Scott Rovak and Tom Tussey, pictured below, the shutterbugs captured every nuance of light.

Perhaps the most dramatic photo taken during the retreat was actually from the airplane on the group’s way home.  We had tried to photograph the Poas Volcano the week before,  but clouds got in our way.  The volcano finally cooperated at the last possible moment, as she blew her top underneath the departing photographers.  Scott Rovak, a sports photographer, knew just what to do to capture that dramatic moment!

We learned new forms of photography, including “painting with light” using new features on Olympus cameras.  We set up at our pool and opened the shutters for long exposures to the night scene and sky.  Painting with flashlights – yes, it’s that simple! – the instructors taught us a novel way to capture the beauty of our lodge.


Using her new Panasonic Lumix GH5, Jenny Crosby Weimann captured some Scarlat Macaws in flight!

There’s no end to the natural beauty of the Neotropical rainforest.  We’re a tiny nation, representing only .03% of the Earth’s land mass.  But positioned as we are at the fulcrum of two oceans and two continents, we have almost 5% of the Earth’s biodiversity.  Inch for inch we are the most biodiverse country in the world.  When confronted with such abundant biodiversity and geologic beauty, photographers can have a field day.  Or at least get soaking wet!  Here’s a shot of one of the instructors, Tom Tussey, taken literally in the Rio Chachagua.  The shutter was pressed by our own Tom Newmark, but Tom Tussey had already set up his camera to do all the work.

Tom Tussey took lots of photos when he was down at the Rio Chachagua – here are a few:



In the bottom right photo, above, you’ll see some of the familiar faces around Finca Luna Nueva Lodge.  From left to right, our resident biologist and nature guide Alberto Rico, our resident photographer and member of the reception team Carlos Rodriguez, our senior farmer Carlos Arias, and co-owner Tom Newmark.  Bottom left is of a tayra, a jungle weasel, looking down on us from the canopy near the Tres Lunas waterfall.

Did we hear you ask about sloths, volcanos, and monkeys?  Thought so!  Check out these shots taken by students on the course:

And finally, there’s the farm.  We practice and teach regenerative agriculture, and you’ll always find something to photograph in our Biodynamic fields and forests.


We are often asked how to best prepare for a visit to Finca Luna Nueva and our surrounding rainforest.   We tell future guests to bring hearts and minds open to Mother Earth’s abundance and beauty.  It’s also nice to bring good optics – binoculars and photographic equipment.  Put your eyes behind the lens and watch Nature leap in delight!

Happy Earth Day!

From all of us at Finca Luna Nueva Lodge

PS:  One of the Shutterbugs, Rhonda Payton Boyer, took a photo of yours truly. This is how I imagine myself when I make believe I’m a photographer….